Jejak Modernisasi di Hutan LindungSemilir angin laut berembus pelan, membawa aroma khas pantai yang menyegarkan. Air pasang menyapu akar-akar bakau yang menjulang kokoh…2d ago2d ago
Diri & HasratSiapakah kita? Siapa yang kita cintai, dan mengapa kita menginginkannya? Dalam upaya mencari jawab, kita memulai perjalanan menuju…Sep 20, 2024Sep 20, 2024
The Impact of ‘Gadis Kretek’ on Indonesian Youth Smoking TrendsNetflix’s new series ‘Cigarette Girl’ romanticizes an industry that kills around 290,000 Indonesians each year.Jul 15, 2024Jul 15, 2024
Night we met,This song, which is hauntingly lovely, is about reflecting on a relationship that didn’t work out and ended so badly that the narrator…Jan 19, 2024Jan 19, 2024
Joe’s DynastyDeep within the vibrant city of SOLO, a captivating story unravels, taking us beyond the realm of dessert shops and catering businesses…Jan 9, 2024Jan 9, 2024
Modern Human Existential in Muhammad Iqbal’s “Khudi” perspective“People who have no hold over their process of thinking are likely to be ruined by liberty of thought.” ― Allama Muhammad IqbalDec 30, 2023Dec 30, 2023
Understanding Nietzsche’s ‘God Is Dead’ Statement“God is dead, God remains dead, and we have killed him.”Nov 28, 2023Nov 28, 2023
Love is war,Love, is tragically depicted as a never-ending struggle, a relentless war, and a cruel game where hearts are shattered and souls are left…Nov 23, 2023Nov 23, 2023
The linguistic tendencies of Jakartans: A socio-cultural analysisThe language tendencies of Jakartans have not only been a topic of interest among the public, but also among linguists and social…Mar 2, 2023Mar 2, 2023